As I write this…

What I believe are the last of my posts currently on BookLikes are importing to my WP site.  Being a nerd has its advantages, and I used wget to scrape my BookLikes site of all my posts.  From there I extracted the titles, posts, post dates and tags into a .csv file and used an importer plug-in to import the csv.  It soulds straightforward, but it took a lot of hours because of fiddly clean up stuff, and the Festive Tasks posts just about broke my will to live.  But it’s done.  No images – yet.  And they’re all sitting in draft, because who knows how god-awful unreadable they are the moment, but I now have no excuses for boredom should the lockdown continue.  Although we’re binge re-watching The West Wing – you know, so I can remind myself what a less dysfunctional America looked like – so that’s a mighty competitor for my time.

Further good news is I should be able to use these files to update my LibraryThing too.  whew.