I want to say right up front that I truly think after The Twelve Clues of Christmas (Her Royal Spyness Mysteries, #6), which was just absolutely superb, any book was going to feel pale in comparison. Such was the case for me with this book. But – I truly feel it only suffers by comparison, as I can’t find a single thing to say to the negative about Heirs and Graces.
I really enjoy the recurring characters in this series: Georgie is sweet, naive and correct, while maintaining a firm hand and a steel backbone; no simpering or sniveling going on here. Belinda is the scarlet woman, the best friend that keeps Georgie in the present. And Darcy is the divine love interest with an air of mystery surrounding his super secret work life. No irritating, annoying characters (except Fig, and she’s a bit player that doesn’t always make appearances in the books and was blissfully present-in-name-only in this book).
The plot of Heirs and Graces was good and the characters surrounding the plot were colourful enough to keep my attention. I was surprised by the ending – it was an excellent plot twist and though it doesn’t seem right to say, it made me laugh. Such a creative twist, with a tip of the hat to old murder mysteries.
A thoroughly enjoyable entry to a very solid series.