It’s coming up to that time of year again…

‘Tis the season … for 2021 Halloween Bingo.  The game begins on 1 September but August is the time to request and receive one’s bingo card, and mine arrived this week, and MT brought home the printed card yesterday:

This is Pickachu’s first Halloween Bingo and she was wildly enthusiastic (she tried to steal my card!).  I, however, am still struggling to find my bookish joie de vivre, so this year, I’m aiming for a lower key approach.  No planning, no fancy graphics, no markers; as much as I wish I could tackle these things with the excitement of bingos past, I don’t want to set myself up for failure.  So this year it’ll just be me and my bingo card.  Maybe a modest html table to track my reads.  Maybe.  Reviews will be done here, as I can’t stand being on Goodreads, even though I miss my friends.


The binging continues …

I’m still devouring books, mostly re-reads with a few new ones too, but I still haven’t found my groove on the blogging thing.

The books on the right are recently finished new books, except for Heroes which I’m currently listening to, and the books on the left are all re-reads.  The biggest problem I have is myself:  I insist on adding each book to my book database here on WP and it’s sort of a pain in the ass to do it, especially when you have about 1000 of them still to go.  So of course, I put it off.

Anyway, I’m off work this week, so I’m going to try to chip away at the piles, adding new reviews for the new books and bringing old reviews over for the re-reads.

In other news, a feline miracle was recorded here last week:

We expected the world to explode, in the way one does when matter and anti-matter collide, but either God himself intervened, or – and this is more likely – Easter-cat just couldn’t be bothered getting up from her comfy spot on the quilt to administer the beat-down she thinks Pickachu deserves.  But you can tell she’s thinking about it.