Book-spine Poetry, #2

My friend URL Phantomhive did a Book Spine Poetry challenge for the recent BoutofBooks, and it since we’re in a stage 4 lockdown here, I thought MT might enjoy the challenge.  7 POEMS LATER…  Obviously, he really got into it, so I’m posting one every few days to share with everybody

Today’s is one of his longer ones:

Speaking in Tongues
Why the Dutch are Different, The Year of Living Danishly
A Thousand Days in Venice, A Thousand Days in Tuscany
True Blue, Fair Dinkum
Down Under, Consider the Platypus
That’s Not English, Greek to Me

(nb:  the text above is as he wrote the poem originally; he wanted to make sure it was posted because he found the arrangement of books confining. )

Book-spine Poetry

My friend URL Phantomhive did a Book Spine Poetry  for the recent BoutofBooks, and it got me thinking “MT would be good at this.” (My husband is the talented writer in this house.)  Since we’re in a stage 4 lockdown at the moment, and it’s been raining consistently all day, I thought he might enjoy the challenge and he’d come up with a quick, pithy example I could share with you all.

Well.  I mentioned it last night and then didn’t think much more about it, until I noticed him walking around the house this morning, making lists.  Moving stacks of books around.  Pecking away at his laptop.


So here’s the first one – and my personal favorite.  Also, the shortest.  Some of the results are less quick poems and more epic adventures.  But one at a time …  😉


Fucking Apostrophes,
You’re saying it wrong,
Holy Sh*t
Swearing is good for you

It’s not Wordsworth, but it make me smile and I agree with the sentiment.  😉