My week in books

As my leg continues to heal, and I take on more rehab tasks, I’ve had more pain.  In fact, this last week was the first time I’ve had pain significant enough to wish I still had the industrial-level pain pills.  What this has meant to my reading?  Re-reads.  Lots of re-reads.

I spent the week un-plugged and binging on an older cozy mystery series written by Nancy Martin – the Blackbird Sisters series.  They’ve held up beautifully over the years, and are an example of the higher quality cozy mysteries that used to be written before cozies became an assembly-line commodity, written to formula and thrown at the public en masse, hoping a fraction of them will stick.

Most of the series I read before I started documenting my thoughts, so I’ll be writing reviews for those in the next few hours.  Apologies in advance if I spam your feed.

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