by Darynda Jones
Rating: ★★★★½
isbn: 9780312625214
Series: Darklight #2
Publication Date: March 5, 2013
Pages: 306
Genre: Fantasy, Fiction, Young Adult
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
After a week of reading books that disappointingly read like paper-pulp Xanax, Death Doom and Detention was just the breath of fresh, fast-paced air with kick-ass dialogue I needed. An excellent story with really great characters you can get behind. And thank you thank you thank you Ms. Jones for having two breath-taking male leads and no love triangle!! I can cheer both of them on!
Seriously, there wasn’t anything I didn’t like about this book – nothing. I picked it up and did not put it down again until I’d read not only the last page (ok, a little tiny bit of boo and hiss here) but the sneak peak at the next book in October. I was reading this book outside and seriously, it was so good, I did not move even after the rain started (it wasn’t a lot of rain, and I shielded the book, of course!). Thank you for not making me wait a year until the next one.
I know this is YA, but it’s a great story/series. I can’t help but try to mesh events in this series with those in the Charley Davidson/Adult series. Different, I know, but still fun to imagine. 🙂