by Seanan McGuire
Rating: ★★★★
isbn: 9780756407926
Series: InCryptid #2
Publication Date: March 1, 2013
Pages: 353
Genre: Fantasy, Urban Fantasy
Publisher: DAW Books
A re-read that not only held up well, but one that I enjoyed more the second time around. My first readings of McGuire’s books always start off feeling tedious, but picking up so much that I end up really enjoying them (though Imaginary Numbers flipped this around). This re-read didn’t feel tedious at all and except for the scene where Verity is captured, which felt way too long, I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it.
As an aside, MT saw the title and commented that it sounded like the stupidest book he’d ever seen me read. Being not-American, I had to explain to him about the Kmart blue-light special days of yore. (He conceded that the title made a smidgen more sense.)