by Oscar Wilde
Rating: ★★★½
isbn: 9780241251805
Series: Little Black Classics #119
Publication Date: May 2, 2016
Pages: 52
Genre: Non-fiction
Publisher: Penguin Books
Selections taken from Nothing ... Except My Genius: The Wit and Wisdom of Oscar Wilde
I always think I’m going to enjoy a book of quotes or aphorisms, and I do really enjoy Oscar Wilde’s wit, but I can’t just read a book of quotes. They all run together and I never remember them anyway. Still, I read a few each day and as with every collection like this, some are better than others.
A favorite from this collection that I can remember:
“Murder is always a mistake. One should never do anything one cannot talk about after dinner.”
I must say, as much as I love Wilde’s work, I can only take his witticisms in small doses.