Halloween Bingo 2020: The Lockdown Edition

It’s here! I’m a bit behind everybody else because I was late requesting my card, and the move over to the WP site presented a significant challenge: could I re-create my fancy sticker overlays here the way I did on BookLikes? The answer: Yes, with a lot of swearing. WP like to add extraneous style information on their images, which I’m sure is meant to make it easier for all experience levels to create their posts. But that extraneous code kept breaking my card. But I finally won and my card is below:

If I read a square that hasn’t been called yet, a ghost of stickers-yet-to-come will appear; once the square has been called, the sticker will become fully corporeal.  As the squares get ticked off, a fully formed image will appear.  Previously, I posted the finished image, but this year I’m going to leave it a mystery.

Below is the table that will summarise the books I’ve read for each square, and note if I took advantage of one of the Spell Pack cards, and which one.  If all goes well, Book Titles will link to my review of the book here.

Bingo Square Date Called Book Title Date Read
Row #1
Genre: Suspense
Ghost Stories
Dark Academia
Southern Gothic
Row #2
Darkest London
Black Cat
Cozy Mystery
Genre: Mystery
International Women of Mystery
Row #3
Grave or Graveyard
In the Dark, Dark Woods
Psych / Romantic Suspense
Row #4
American Horror Story
A Grimm Tale
It was a Dark and Stormy Night
Trick or Treat
Row #5
Country House Mystery
Locked Room Mystery
Murder Most Foul

The Spell Pack cards are below – I’ve used a border in the same color as the card to mark the squares where I’ve used one.

Cards used:
Bingo Flip:  Lillelara has agreed to trade my Psych square for her Romantic Suspense square.

I’m planning a follow up post with tentative titles for each square.

14 thoughts on “Halloween Bingo 2020: The Lockdown Edition”

  1. Boy howdy, the WordPress Reader app does NOT like CSS styles apparently; card is totally broken on the reader. Oh well. Not changing it now. :p

  2. I can see the overlaid image in my mobile app, and wow, it‘s just gorgeous.

    One of these days you‘re going to have to tell me how to use “real“ CSS with WP; the only way I‘ve so far been able to get it to accept CSS declarations is by inserting them by way of style=““ …

    1. Oh rest assured I did it that way on this post too – with everything else going on – I’m fighting with wget to get it to download everything in my BL directory, not just random posts and I’m trying to figure out how to get my WP database started – I wasn’t ready yet to get into fighting with WP over actual, linked stylesheets. Although I think it will involve the @import – but I don’t know where you’d upload it. YET. 😀 Likely this is something I’ll have to embrace before the next game.

      1. Speaking of @import, I’d be thrilled if one day you or I (you being about 5000% more likely) find a way to endow our blog posts / projects / pages or, dare one hope, the blog as such, with a general background image. I can see why they’re using a white background as their default option, but dammit, if they allow us CSS via style=”” at least, they might at least have included that bit, too … (Then again, there is, of course, EVERY possibility that you’ve already found the answer to that one while refining your card settings, and I just haven’t thought of it myself yet …)

    2. And thank you btw – I thought it was delightfully spooky. I’m bummed the sticker image is visible, but not bummed enough to tackle it. Next time.

      1. Well, it’s really only visible in the reader / mobile app, not when looking at it on a laptop / PC!

        Though I do hope the changing individual squares are going to show properly once the game has started. It would be a shame for THAT not to work in the app!

        1. re background images: I’ve got background image working on the bingo card – that’s how the card is there (on desk/laptops); it’s the sticker images that are overlaid on top, with an opacity setting of .0, which mobile and reader app is apparently blatantly ignoring, along with all the spacing/padding/margin declarations.

          Do you want to be able to put individual backgrounds on individual posts/pages? So they give the impression of a different sub-site? I think that would be template-level stuff and my first impression is it can’t be done, though I’ve been working with WP for all of about a week, so I could very well be wrong. But when I customised my theme, I had to upload background images and put them in theme settings. Would be cool to do though, especially for game stuff like this.

    1. LOL, thanks! This is what I get for trying to lend an air of mystery – foiled by WP. 😀

      1. Ah, I thought these were from another year or so, because you mentioned you wanted to keep it a surprise xD.

        I already thought it a little strange I couldn’t see the squares but didn’t think too much on it…

        1. Yeah, it looks great from a desktop/laptop but it falls apart on mobile and the WP desktop app. I did a little googling, but nothing jumped out that might be helpful. oh well. That’s what I get for trying to be clever. 😀

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