I recently re-read this series and they all remain good, solid 4-star stories, though, as the author allows her conservative views to occasionally – often – fly free through her main character, Lilly Bennett, they may not be for everybody. I find I agree with some, but find all of them amusing. These are stories told by a female member of the Good Old Boys Club, a member of the elite and insanely wealthy, and they’re a fun escape.
5 books found
In regards to commenting and notifications, is there an option to get replies emailed to me? I have to use that for the couple of blogspot people I follow. But much like the “save my info”, there is a little box I have to check for each post I want comments emailed to me.
I’m not sure – I’ll have to check, and I will. I’m still figuring out all the little radio buttons, and layouts, etc. I’ll get back to you…
I’m not sure – I’ll have to check, and I will. I’m still figuring out all the little radio buttons, and layouts, etc. I’ll get back to you…
I do know on the reader app (I found this just yesterday), there’s a place at the top where it says “Followed Sites” and a “Manage ” button. When I clicked that, it listed all the sites I’m following and each WP site of either flavor had a settings link – that allowed me to turn on/off notifications and email updates. I’m assuming they have the same thing somewhere on the reader from the browser?
Ok – I found and turned on the subscribe buttons; I’d seen those before but didn’t think anybody would want to use them. 😀 So, thanks again – Progress!
Ok, that section of the following is the same for me. However, those notifications are for new posts (if for some reason I didn’t want to see your posts in my feed?), ie, I’m assuming I’d get a red dot on the bell letting me know you’d just posted something. I have the same settings for you as for everybody else.
I’ve subscribed to new follow up comments, so at least now I won’t have to hunt and guess about new comments 😀
re: Notification
Well, now I know it CAN be done. I follow IrresponsibleReader and he recently went selfhosted and it has been an adventure and a half from the readers’ end with getting comments to work at all.
But, more importantly, I left a comment on his site this morning and was notified by WP that he replied. So it CAN be done. Hope springs eternal…
Having been using the Reader app faithfull for the last few days, I’ve noticed that the notification has been hit-and-miss; sometimes the little red dot lights up for your stuff and sometimes it doesn’t. I’ve also just discovered that I have to ‘follow’ conversations individually, which I don’t seen to be able to do in the Reader – or maybe I can and just haven’t found it yet. I don’t know if that has anything to do with why my notifications work sometimes and not others.
that “conversations” thing has never worked for me, at least not regularly. It shows the most random posts I’ve commented or liked, without real regard to time or anything. I just looked it and it is showing me a conversation from 14 days ago 5 posts down.
Well, with the email follow up, I should be good. Thank you once again for all your hard work. I’ll be glad to keep poking if you want wpdotcom people to get notified, but otherwise I’ll leave that issue alone since you’ve got a work around up and running.
No worries – right back at you for helping me figure this stuff out on my end too.
Bad news. The “email me new comments” didn’t work for your comment. I just finished checking my spam folder to be sure too 🙁
I’ll check in again tomorrow to see if it’s just delayed…
Grr… I wonder if it saved the setting? ::off to check::
Yes, it is – but you’re not listed as a subscriber, either. I don’t have to approve that somewhere do I? GAH!
I’m sorry, I have no idea. I just re-clicked the notify me of new comments.