What I believe are the last of my posts currently on BookLikes are importing to my WP site. Being a nerd has its advantages, and I used wget to scrape my BookLikes site of all my posts. From there I extracted the titles, posts, post dates and tags into a .csv file and used an importer plug-in to import the csv. It soulds straightforward, but it took a lot of hours because of fiddly clean up stuff, and the Festive Tasks posts just about broke my will to live. But it’s done. No images – yet. And they’re all sitting in draft, because who knows how god-awful unreadable they are the moment, but I now have no excuses for boredom should the lockdown continue. Although we’re binge re-watching The West Wing – you know, so I can remind myself what a less dysfunctional America looked like – so that’s a mighty competitor for my time.
Further good news is I should be able to use these files to update my LibraryThing too. whew.
I loved the West Wing! It is one of mine and my mother’s favorite shows. I’ve seen the series at least three times.
I didn’t expect any less, but I’m so impressed at how perfectly well the series holds up over time. And Josh’s monologue in the first series about how the next war won’t be nuclearn, it’ll be a pandemic, was a wee bit chilling in current times (not that I’m an advocate of the lab theory – definitley not).
JINX!!! DH and I are doing the same! I think we are up to Disc 31, season 5. The only TV show other than DOC MARTIN that I am willing to watch over and over again.
Do you know about the podcast that Josh Molina and a buddy did: The West Wing Weekly? I listened to the whole thing. They did one episode a week for as long as it took. The talked about the show and they had guests who were involved with show on a regular basis.
I have head of the podcast, but have not yet listened to it. I might have to add that to my list now though, now that the episodes are fresh in my memory. We’re up to season 2 at the moment – just after the shooting, but I suspect we’ll be moving along quickly: lockdown plus a weekend forecasted to be crap weather. 🙂
We have been bingeing our way through it and are about to start season 7. I’m thinking I like Sorkin years better than the Wells years. Or maybe just that fictional or otherwise, I just can’t handle the re-election campaign right now..
I’m definitely partial to the Sorkin years; his writing is far and away better. I myself find it hard to re-watch the seasons that take place after Sam leaves; it feels like a revolving door of characters after that, and not all of them are likeable enough to hold my attention. It’s not that they’re bad, but they just fail to hold my attention the way the earlier seasons do.