These were neither taken near my home, nor taken recently. They’re both from my trip in February out to country Victoria. The birds are also not going to be new to anyone, but I’m posting both because they make me smile, and because – in the case of the llama – I knew at least one of my BookLikes friends is a fan.
First, the Sulphur Crested Cockatoo – rocking the mohawk long before teens got their hands on their dad’s electric shavers:
And, well, 2 domesticated geese, but really it’s about the supremely satisfied looking llama:
That llama and goose butt shot still cracks me up. And the llama is still what I aspire to in finding that zen state of mind. 😀
Llamas really do channel that zen attitude perfectly. I took so many pictures of them, I couldn’t help it. So much personality, and all of it supremely unimpressed. 🙂